Leader as a Coach

Unlocking Potential

One Leader at a Time

Unleash your team's leadership potential and achieve remarkable results with our transformative coaching program.

Andy Hall Coaching - Leader as a Coach program

I am dedicated to empowering change, igniting passion, and achieving outstanding results

for individuals, teams & organisations.

How we create change through our
Leader As A Coach Program

Our potential, and the potential of our teams, cannot be found outside of us. It can only be discovered by going within.

Creating a coaching culture in your organisation will truly change your results.

Andy Hall - coach, trainer, facilitator
Why Leader as a Coach?

According to the Human Capital Institute (HCI) and the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Study, 54% of companies that are classified as 'High Performing' have a strong Coaching Culture. This figure drops to a low 29% amongst organisations without that culture.

The report also highlights that the cost of replacing an employee can be anywhere from 50% to 200% of their salary!

Coaching creates awareness; Coaching creates thinking in our teams; Coaching leads to an empowered culture; an empowered culture creates engagement; and high engagement significantly improves retention in the workplace.

Leader As A Coach will create a culture of coaching to empower individuals to succeed, developing high performing teams and improving retention across the organisation.

What business challenges does
Leader as a Coach solve?

Leader as a Coach will create a Coaching culture in your business that will:

Significantly reduce your employee turnover.

Significantly increase the engagement of your people.

Significantly increase the time your leaders have available to work on strategy

Ensure that every team member is delivering against their core business objectives.

Ensure that every team member has an active Personal Development Plan.

Improve on each one of your Key Performance Indicators.

Leader as a Coach develops leaders to take a Coaching approach rather then a 'telling' approach.

It will develop Leaders who say less, ask more and change the way they lead forever.

It will develop Leaders who Coach and raise awareness within their teams.

It will develop Leaders who Coach and increase responsibility within their teams.

It will develop Leaders who Coach and increase personal accountability within their teams.

"If we continue to manage in the way we always have,

we will continue to get the same results, the results we say we do not want."

Andy Hall Coaching - Leader as a Coach program

Why is Coaching so Important?

To Raise Awareness

Coaching is a process that can raise awareness in various ways, helping individuals gain deeper insights into themselves, their goals, and their behaviors.

To Increase Personal Accountability

Encourages individuals to take responsibility for their roles, actions, and continuous improvement, leading to a more accountable and productive workforce.

To Increase Responsibility

Employees are more likely to take ownership of their work, make informed decisions, and contribute positively to the organization.

All 3 of these bring greater empowerment and resourcefulness to the individual, creating lasting change and significantly improved results, by adopting a learning approach that operate from the 'inside out', as opposed to 'outside in'.

Bespoke Program Design

We create a bespoke program, building on a core outline, and designed with you and your business in mind.

We recommend a 12-month program for your leaders to work through with us, recognising the importance of this transformational journey.

Why 12 months?

Short-term programs lack reinforcement: there is insufficient time to overcome the resistance to change and to promote a continuous learning culture.

Short-term programs do not give the time to embed the learning, to practice ‘getting good’, and to build confidence within the team.

A 12-month program provides continued engagement, providing high challenge and high support.

A 12-month program provides a powerful message to your leaders that you are investing in them.

Program Details

Program Outline

We begin by introducing delegates to the Coaching fundamentals and how a Coaching Culture will change the organization. We work through a bespoke toolkit of content in support of this.

We then have further interactions and interventions through the program, where we continue practicing and developing the newly-learned coaching skills. At least 12 coaching experiences are provided for each individual.

We include some vital leadership and personal growth components throughout the program including Questions and Listening, Giving Feedback, Objective Setting, Personal Development Plans Self-Belief and Self-Awareness.

We close out the program with certification and celebration, where each delegate is assessed and signed off as a Leader As a Coach.

Program Delivery

A program of content which can be delivered across 6 full days, incorporating teaching, practice, live demos, Q&As and sharing experiences.

We recommend that content is delivered along the following lines:

  • 2-day kick-off session - face to face

  • Half-day session - virtual

  • Full day session - face to face

  • Half-day session - virtual

  • 2-day closing session – face to face

  • Certification and celebration

Monthly 90-minute virtual ‘Action Learning Groups’ are held through the year, maintaining momentum and engagement between the full and half day sessions, and embedding the learning

Weekly emails are send to the delegates, to provide reminders and prompt thought, maintain engagement, and to embed the learning

There is flexibility within the recommended structure to incorporate some bespoke or company-specific teaching content.

Bespoke Program Design

Leader as a Coach will create a Coaching culture in your business that will:

We create a bespoke program, building on a core outline, and designed with you and your business in mind.

We recommend a 12-month program for your most senior leaders. 

It can be delivered in 6 or 9 months, but it risks feeling rushed and people development is a transformational journey, not a race!

Why 12 months?

Short-term programs lack reinforcement: there is insufficient time to overcome the resistance to change and to promote a continuous learning culture

Short-term programs do not give the time to embed the learning, to practice ‘getting good’, and to build confidence within the team

A 12-month program provides continued engagement, providing high challenge and high support

A 12-month program provides a powerful message to your leaders that you are investing in them

Program Outline

We begin by introducing delegates to the Coaching fundamentals and how a Coaching Culture will change the organization. We work through a bespoke toolkit of content in support of this.

We then have further interactions and interventions through the program, where we continue practicing and developing the newly-learned coaching skills.

We include some vital leadership and personal growth components including Feedback, Objective Setting, Personal Development Plans and Self-Awareness.

A 12-month program provides a powerful message to your leaders that you are investing in them

We close out the program with a two-day certification and celebration workshop where each delegate is assessed and signed off as a Leader As a Coach.

Program Outline

We begin by introducing delegates to the Coaching fundamentals and how a Coaching Culture will change the organization. We work through a bespoke toolkit of content in support of this.

We then have further interactions and interventions through the program, where we continue practicing and developing the newly-learned coaching skills.

We include some vital leadership and personal growth components including Feedback, Objective Setting, Personal Development Plans and Self-Awareness.

A 12-month program provides a powerful message to your leaders that you are investing in them

We close out the program with a two-day certification and celebration workshop where each delegate is assessed and signed off as a Leader As a Coach.

Program Delivery

A program of 9 individual lessons of content which can be delivered in 6 full days, incorporating teaching, practice, live demos, Q&As and sharing experiences

We recommend that content is delivered along the following lines:

  • 2-day kick-off session - face to face

  • Half-day session - virtual

  • Full day session - face to face

  • Half-day session - virtual

  • 2-day closing session – face to face

  • celebration event

Additional monthly ‘Action Learning groups’ through the year are important to maintain momentum and engagement, and to embed the learning

There is flexibility within the recommended structure to incorporate some bespoke or company-specific teaching content. (At least 15 practice sessions is required for every individual.)

Program Delivery

A program of 9 individual lessons of content which can be delivered in 6 full days, incorporating teaching, practice, live demos, Q&As and sharing experiences

We recommend that content is delivered along the following lines:

  • 2-day kick-off session - face to face

  • Half-day session - virtual

  • Full day session - face to face

  • Half-day session - virtual

  • 2-day closing session – face to face, with celebration event

Additional monthly ‘Action Learning groups’ through the year are important to maintain momentum and engagement, and to embed the learning

There is flexibility within the recommended structure to incorporate some bespoke or company-specific teaching content.

At least 15 practice sessions is required for every individual.

Let me serve you through . . .


"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." - Carl Jung  

Coaching is transformational.

Coaching is a unique and powerful relationship.

The Coaching process brings greater empowerment and resourcefulness to an individual, creating lasting change.

Coaching addresses the performance gap - the gap between what a person knows and what they do.

Through one-to-one Coaching I help individuals truly think, and through that ... significantly improve their performance, achieve their goals, overcome obstacles and enhance their overall effectiveness and most importantly, positively change their results! Find out more . . .

Enabling Leaders to Coach

"Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It’s helping them to learn rather than teaching them." - Tim Gallwey

If we continue to do what we’ve always done, we will keep getting the same results.  

Developing Leaders to Coach empowers teams and develops trust, confidence, and self-belief. Asking team members Coaching questions gets them to reflect, to think deeper and better.  

With a full curriculum including certification on completion, your team can will feel valued, learn and enjoy new skills, enhanced awareness, and deliver significantly improved results. Find out more . . .

Leadership Training

"Don't build a business, build people,

then the people build the business". - Zig Ziglar 

You need to be in the ‘Human potential’ business!  

Research carried out by the Carnegie Institute of Technology discovered that 85% of the financial success of a business is due to skills in ‘human engineering’, and just 15% is due to technical knowledge.

I help you to leverage that technical knowledge through the development of your leaders and teams, inciting a passion to achieve more and motivating them towards high performance. Find out more . . .

Personality Profiling

“The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself” - Thales

One of the greatest benefits in using profiling tools is in service of personal development and stronger team working.

Personality profiling is designed to help you to better know yourself, as well as provide you with insight on how you can grow yourself.  

I am a qualified MBTI Type 1 & 2 Practitioner and a Certified DISC trainer, and I love seeing the impact that these tools can provide. Find out more . . .

Leader As A Coach will . . .

Foster team engagement by aligning personal goals with organizational objectives.

Improve communication skills and encourage collaboration for better teamwork and outcomes.

Create a work environment for increased satisfaction and employee retention.

Inspire leaders and teams to reach their full potential and achieve better results.

Develop active listening skills, open dialogue, and create a safe environment.

Focus on individual growth with clear goals, and support for professional development.

If we continue to 'manage' in the way we always have,

we will always get the results we have always got.

We Work Alongside You Every Step of the Way

We begin by introducing delegates to the Coaching fundamentals and how a Coaching Culture will change the organization. We work through a bespoke toolkit some of which includes.

  • A Coaching Model for Success.

  • Sharing how great leaders ask great questions.

  • Creating the opportunity to Coach, which for many is the first time.

We then have further interactions and interventions with your leaders, where we continue practicing and developing the newly learned Coaching Skills.

  • Learn the power of feedback and a model for success, and practice how to give feedback well.

  • Assess how each delegate is developing as a Coach.

  • Further leadership skills designed personally for your team, addressing where the gaps are at this stage of the program for each delegate.

We close out the year with a two-day certification and celebration workshop where each delegate is assessed and signed off as a Leader As A Coach.

  • Personal Development plans are assessed and re-established.

  • Objectives are set for the year ahead.

  • Personal Development plans are created.

  • We embed new beliefs about the potential and share an exclusive AHC awareness teaching

In total, 6 full interactive days with your team, in-person, virtually or a combination of the two, to suit the needs of your business.

Our team will also send a thought-provoking question or article to all delegates, via email, each week for 52 weeks

In addition, monthly 90-minute 'Inner Circle' group Zoom calls to share additional teaching content incorporating discussions and shared learning.

Client Testimonials
Very positive . . .

"In the past 4 weeks, I have learned that there were (too) many times when I was being prescriptive rather than using some interactions as an opportunity to create a coaching moment. I was able to turn quite a few casual conversations into small coaching moments. I feel most of those were received very positively."

Leader as a Coach - Cohort 1 Leader

Helping people help themselves . . .

"I am working on helping people to help themselves. I still catch myself wanting to give answers - and yet I see plenty of evidence when I refrain from doing so, people really do have most of what is needed within to solve their own problems."

Leader as a Coach - Cohort 3 Leader

The coaching approach helped . . .

"My proudest work in the past few weeks regarding my coaching abilities is to put the newly learned approach of listening and asking questions during my 1:1 with team associates. I also changed the venue for meetings from my office to a general meeting room to help identify a neutral place for discussions. The coaching approach helped get more active participation from the associates rather than the previous conversation style where I got a lower response and I ended up leading the meeting. During these sessions, we focused on establishing individual development plans for their readiness for the next role and identified specific goals to focus on achieving in the coming months or years".

Leader as a Coach - Cohort 1 Leader

I really appreciate this opportunity & the insights . . .

"As my role has evolved, a greater emphasis was placed on interpersonal skills and adapting to the responsibilities became challenging. Not knowing what to do and how to handle the shift in work responsibility, I felt stuck.   I found the recent PDP exercise was particularly challenging yet rewarding. The exercise carried me through self-reflection with a sequence of thoughts and emotions. It ended up serving as an opportunity to gain a deeper level of clarity about myself.   The awareness and the feeling of knowing what to do is a great relief and sheds light for the way forward. These few weeks transformed the jumbled thoughts in my head and laid them out clearly line by line.   To express that the training was helpful would be an understatement. Thank you so much. I really appreciate this opportunity and the insights you have shared with us.".

Leader as a Coach - Cohort 3 Delegate

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How does life coaching differ from therapy?

While both life coaching and therapy aim to support personal growth, they have distinct approaches. Therapy typically focuses on addressing past traumas, emotional healing, and diagnosing mental health conditions. On the other hand, life coaching is forward-focused, centered around setting and achieving goals, enhancing performance, and unlocking potential. If you're seeking to overcome specific challenges from your past, therapy might be more suitable. If you're looking to create a roadmap for personal or professional success, life coaching could be the right fit.

How often are coaching sessions conducted?

Coaching sessions frequency can vary based on your needs and preferences. Typically, we recommend starting with weekly sessions to establish momentum and make consistent progress. As you gain confidence and traction towards your goals, sessions might transition to bi-weekly or monthly. The flexibility of our approach ensures that the coaching frequency adapts to your evolving requirements, ensuring optimal support and accountability.

What if I'm unsure about my goals and direction?

It's completely normal to feel uncertain about your goals and direction. Our coaching process begins with an initial assessment where we'll work together to clarify your aspirations, values, and priorities. Through insightful questioning and exploration, we'll collaboratively uncover your passions and potential areas for growth. If you're not entirely sure about your goals, our coaching can help you gain clarity and chart a course that aligns with your authentic self. Remember, the journey towards clarity is an integral part of the coaching process itself.

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