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In our current times, we are surrounded by lightening fast technology, decision-making, expectations, and life…
Practicing patience in an era where it seems no one has any patience may feel counter-intuitive but patience allows us to slow down, calm our minds, show compassion, love and be loved.

Being able to tolerate delays without feeling angry or frustrated is a necessary quality for our greater good.
Easing our minds mentally also allows our bodies to physically function in a stress-reduced state, lowering our blood pressure, staving off illnesses and not compromising our immune systems.

So how does one patience, when all things point in a different direction?

• Persistence – the ability to keep moving forward even if you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.
• Having faith that you are moving in the right direction without distraction brings a sense of inner peace.
• Acceptance – believe that everything happens for a reason and even if the reason is illogical, it will be revealed at a later time when and if it is necessary. Whatever is happening now is the way it is.
• Peace – having a sense of serenity and knowing that whatever distraction is happening, it will pass, as the now is what is meant to be.

Practicing patience alleviates the need for anger.
When we are impatient, we go through a gamut of emotions from irritation to impatience to anger and then rage.
Not only does patience help us achieve that which we desire, it helps us keep our anger in check.

The easiest way to practice patience is to count to 10 or take 10 deep breaths. This creates space between an impulse reaction and an actual action step.
Practicing patience with others allows us to slow down and enjoy life with a new viewpoint.

You have to Start!

Many people get ready to get ready. Maybe you would like to learn to play the piano. You research teachers in your area and maybe even call around for appointments but then you stop short of setting up your first session. Why is this? Why is it so hard to get started? It’s very simple. Fear!
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Worthy Ideal

Webster defines “ideal” as a standard of perfection, beauty or excellence; an ultimate object or aim of endeavour. A worthy ideal is more than a goal - it is that which inspires the soul to move onward and upward to a greater awareness of the sheer beauty and abundance of life - real life.
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